The Impact Of Interest Rates On The Currency Market
The interest rate, in its manifestation, is the ratio of the amount of interest to the total amount of capital borrowed in a given period.
The Basic Components Of The Gold Market
The gold market is a place for gold producers and suppliers to trade with demanders.
Upper And Lower Limits On Call Option Prices
Unlike assets such as stocks, futures and foreign exchange, there are clear upper and lower bounds on the value of options.
The Essence Of Safe Futures Speculation: Trading Rules
Trading in the fast-moving futures market is like driving on a highway, with the floating profits and losses of your account going straight up and down, sometimes so fast that you are overwhelmed.
How To Deal With The Risks Of Hedge Funds?
Investment risk has become an obstacle for more and more investors who are hesitant to invest in the market, so today's fund class will introduce you to a type of fund that is designed to hedge risk.
Soros' Investment Secret Number Five: Discovering Connections
Financial markets belong to the social sciences, which are not only natural sciences, but also incorporate the subjective perceptions of the participants, and this subjective perception interacts with the objective facts, i.e. There is a countervailing link between imperfect perceptions and actual developments.
Six Major Differences Between Financial Futures And Financial Options
Six Major Differences Between Financial Futures And Financial Options
The Risk Of Default On Bonds
A bond is a financial contract, a debt instrument issued to investors by governments, financial institutions, industrial and commercial enterprises, etc. to raise funds by borrowing directly from society, while promising to pay interest at a certain rate and repay the principal on agreed terms.
Holding To The Bottom And Not Being Able To Hold
A common weakness of small and medium-sized retail investors is that they are able to hold to the bottom in bear markets but not to the top in bull markets. For example, in the previous bear market, a large proportion of stockholders got to a low of 998 points from a high of 2245 points.
The Value of Options - How to Understand the Price of Options
In real life, the closest thing to the concept of an option is insurance.